Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Birthday...

To me!!!

Today I am officially old enough to adopt from China!

It's been an extremely long time coming, but our last delay in this adoption (so far, I guess) is past. This morning I had a whole blog post planned in my head, but then I had to work and pretty much lost all the great insight I was going to lay down for you guys. Oh well.

Instead, I will try to give some idea of how long we have waited for this day. When we decided to adopt from China I was still a couple months away from turning 28. My cousin's little girl (who totally tried to steal my thunder by hopping on the Summer Solstice B-Day Train) wasn't born yet, nor was my sweet niece Lilly. My nieces Charlotte, Hazel, and Chloe weren't even tiny cluster of cells. I have been waiting to start our adoption wait for 793 long days. This is the longest freaking "pregnancy" ever!

I'll post updates tomorrow on our paperwork and the gift that Kevin gave me this morning that made me cry. Today, however, I just want to enjoy my birthday.


  1. I think if my pregnancies lasted that long I would die. You are one tough cookie miss!

  2. Happy Birthday Jen!!! I am so over the top excited for you guys. I'm sorry my stinky child stole your thunder, but copying is the highest form of flattery, and she loves her Auntie Jen!!!
