Saturday, October 26, 2013

Back in Beijing

Jen here. We arrived safe and sound at about 12 am last night. Nora did surprisingly well on the flight, sleeping for over half of the 12 hour trip. I, unfortunately, did not get much of any sleep. In fact,  I have only gotten about 3 hours of sleep since Wednesday and its starting to affect me more than a little bit.
Things feel so much different this time.  We returned to places we came last time and they haven't really changed.  It's odd being in a city that we know so little about and be able to recognize where you are while driving down the road.
I'm too tired for detailed stories,  so will say that today was a great day. We got stuck for hours in holiday traffic, saw the changing leaves at the great wall, helped Nora use a sqatty potty, and finaly met the woman who helped take care of nora while she was here. can't believe we're in beijing again! Tomorrow we fly to Henan and get ready to meet our babies.

1 comment:

  1. Just so happy you have come this far! Much luck to you my friends!
