Sunday, January 29, 2012

Birthdays, birthdays!

Well, still no word on when we will be traveling, but we will probably hear tomorrow.

So, I suck at keeping the blog updated sometimes. I realized the other day that I never posted about Nora's birthday party. Additionally, we got a picture from Chinese New Year that is adorable and happy news about her last week and a half at the foster home.

I'll get to all that, but first you have to earn it ;). See, there is a facebook contest going on with a local dessert cafe that is AMAZING! They are having people submit photos and then they get voted on, blah blah blah, winner gets a free cake. Full-sized delicious cake. Typically, I hate this sort of thing, but you don't have to sign up for anything or do anything other than click the number of stars you want to give the picture. I sent a photo of Kevin and I celebrating Nora's first birthday. I would post it to this blog, but I'm going to be rude and make you follow the link to see it. While you're there, vote for it so we can get Nora a cake for a birthday party with us. You can actually vote once a day, and it's going on for the next 5 days. So yeah...go vote. Here comes the link. Click it and then come back here for the rest of the story and new pictures.
Click these words!
Did you do it? Well, go do it! I'll wait.
Honestly, I know it's silly, but there are so many things we missed out on during Nora's first 16 months that little things like a birthday party get more importance, and being able to have a nice cake would be pretty magical. I may even let Nora have some.

Anyway, speaking of birthdays, we don't have pictures yet from Nora's birthday in China, but should get them when we pick her up. One of her roomies had his 2nd birthday last week, and we did get pictures from that.
She seems to be saying, "For me?" Not this time, baby girl, but soon!
Here is Nora's reaction to cake

She seems rather mesmerized by the sugary goodness, doesn't she? She needs more cake

We also were fortunate enough to get a picture from Chinese New Year. Traditionally, kids get new clothes and a red envelope (hong bao) filled with coins, either spendable or chocolate.
Here they are in their finery having a big party. Have I mentioned how awesome her foster house is?
Speaking of red envelopes, are you ready for the cutest picture yet?

I warned you! Is it completely unfair that Nora can rock a scarf better at 15 months old than I ever will? Maybe. I guess I am willing to lose that contest, though. Only a couple more weeks!


  1. Only a couple more weeks- my favorite thing I think you have ever posted!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. I totally voted for you, and I'm going to keep voting for you. It's completely for selfish reasons though, as I love The Chocolate and I want some of that cake! :)

    I can't believe it--a couple more weeks. Yay!
