Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 4?- Three more hours

Good morning from Zhengzhou! I think today is day 4...I am losing track right now and am not able to log into blogger still to check our previous posts. We are able to read most of the comments though and love getting them.
Like the title says, three more hours until we get our girl. How is it even possible that we've come this far? On the bus ride from the airport to the hotel we got papers that have questions our agency asked about our children that were answered a week or so ago. We have not a ton of new information, but a few things stood out to me. She likes to take baths, gets along well with others, is lively and active, and can walk by herself now. "She likes the yellow duck from her mom very much. She is quite brave. We have not found what she is afraid of." Well, sweet girl, let us hope we are as brave as you are and will need to be today. See you soon!


  1. About an hour to go! We are so happy for you three! I love the comments about her. Brave and are going to have your hands full! I can't wait to hear how everything goes. Know that the three of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Also, prayers and thanks to the wonderful people at Eagle's Wings who have taken such great care of Nora. What a wonderful blessing! We love you guys! Yay for the Jackson Trio!

  2. Woo hoo! I'm so excited. Everything will be amazing. Take lots of pictures! Love you guys!

  3. Good luck!!!! I've been reading every day! I'm so excited for you!

  4. Oh, and your last post said day 4, so you must be on day 5?
