Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Onward to Places Distant

Posting from mobile, sorry for formatting. So we just landed in Hong Kong. It's been a really long couple of days. I sent this email to friend yesterday who lives in Asia and wrote to wish me a happy birthday... I still feel this way: I'm pretty freaked out right about now. I'm taking care of the last bits of stuff at work and then I get on a plane tonight at 8:15. SLC to LA, two hours, LA to Hong Kong, 15 hours, Hong Kong to Beijing, 3 hours. I get my daughter in a week. A WEEK. That's something, like seeing the Grand Canyon, that is so staggeringly vast that my brain can't perceive all of it but bits keep getting through for me to ponder over. Like last night, installing a baby gate at the top of our stairs at midnight because it was one of the last things on our list. I had to bolt two boards together to get the gate to swing from the metal railing side and install the mounting brackets to that. It was a routine bit of home improvement until my brain said "oh yeah, we just put this in TO KEEP YOUR KID FROM FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS." And then some more freaking out. I can't tell you how excited I am though... this is going to be an amazing trip and I think I'm ready to be a dad. We'll be sure to wave in your direction as we're landing in Hong Kong.

1 comment:

  1. You made it! You guys are, like, soooooooo far away. But you're not sooooo far away from someone who loves you and doesn't even know why yet. Did you bring the yellow duck?

    So happy for you guys. We're super excited right along with you. Keep the Red Thread hot for the next few days!
